Emily and Daniel were married in Saint James Church in the Connecticut town of Manchester. Daniel, an officer, has been deployed to Iraq and has a chest full of medals to prove it. He was married in his uniform. After the ceremony it was on to Branford House Mansion at the Avery Point campus of University of Connecticut, where the bride attended college.
Avery Point juts out into Long Island Sound. On a very clear day I suppose you could see Orient Point, the tip of the North fork of LI. It was really beautiful there. We hoped for sunset pictures but during dinner the fog rolled in and totally enveloped us creating a very romantic haze. Emily’s mom tented the grounds for a sit down dinner and you can barely see the tent in the fog – the fog got so dense.

The bride and her groom make their way up the aisle at St James Church in Manchester CT
Photography is fast becoming everyone’s favorite thing to do, it seems – at weddings anyway – Emily and Daniel were followed by a gentle but persistent pack of family paparazzi where ever we went! I made the most of it, there was no stopping them. Then I managed to get in a few shots of my own…

bridal couple family paparazzi

Avery Point
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